The Inner Circle

This site is under construction!  We are getting our Zen on and trying to build you "one with everything"

This page is already pretty Zenny but it will expand your mind and calm your soul when it's finished

This is our Blog page. Check here for resources and some great articles on some on today's most pressing issues.

The Inner Circle:  Most people can't see it. you think you can, but you are looking in the wrong place.   All you see is the two red circles and you think you see the inner circle. Once I tell you where it is, you will no longer be able to not see it.   You will see it in places you could not imagine.  Curious?   More soon.

Curriculum: Check here for Inner Circle Academy's Black Belt Curriculum and Goshin Jutsu Curriculum

Choosing A Martial Art: There is much made of choosing a martial art where you will get what you paid for - Look here for help - Choose Wisely 

or download the pdf here: Choose A Martial Art-Choose Wisely

A Story about Bullying from a different perspective, First they laugh, then they look,  then they get nasty, sometimes the nasty feels like forever, but then they copy.  They always copy

Pick-up time Security - Ever think about what would happen if for some emergency reason, you could not get to pick up your child on time? You would have to send someone else.  How would you contact your child to let them know that this is a safe person? How to use your Emergency Password

Professional thieves will find a way into your house no matter what you do. The least you can do is not make it easy for them This isn't everything, but it's a start  

Youth Violence Out Of Control -  It's horrible when you have family or friends who are the victims of out-of-control violent young people, or older people for that matter.  Lock em' up and throw away the key.  Don't put me in charge. I will go way further than you would.